Filed in Embodiment, Empowerment, Spirituality — September 11, 2024

End Your Suffering: Is it possible?

What if you could end your suffering?

Would you do it?

This may seem like a straightforward or silly question, but go with me on this ride.

Let’s define a few things first.

What do you mean when you say suffering? Pain, grief, fear, loneliness, struggle, dis-ease, loss, lack, sadness, etc. I’m inviting you to put a pause on calling the above list suffering.

What if these experiences are simply part of being human?

I cannot end any of those experiences for you. And, quite frankly, neither can anyone else, no matter what they try to sell you. You may learn how to manage these experiences differently or build different relationship to these sensations, emotions, and experiences but you will never end them until you stop breathing. In my Balanced Living Sessions, I help people acquire skills and build new relationship to emotion, sensation, story, and experience that improves quality of life. But all of that work will not save any human from meeting pain, grief, fear, struggle, dis-ease, sadness, loss, loneliness and ultimately death.

It is the birthright of being a human to experience all or any of the full range of emotion, sensation, experiences as we live in human bodies. What if you could build healthy and even friendly relationship to all the emotions, sensations, and experiences as we learn to flow with the life, death, rebirth cycles?

We can learn to have even the most difficult of the human experiences without suffering.

Here is my definition of suffering:

Suffering happens when we are in resistance to the truth of What Is.

Riding the waves of what is happening in the present moment is to be without suffering. Choosing to co-operate with Life from the deepest Aliveness of your Soulful Being in a moment no matter how much pain, grief, fear, struggle or joy, pleasure, or ease is in the moment is to be without suffering. This peception shift is the Joy of Living, allowing the entirety of the human experience to be available to you. This kind of shift in consciousness takes practice and many often choose a guide on this road.

Most of us want to cling to the things we consider good or pleasurable and reject the things we perceive as bad or uncomfortable or painful. This grasping and rejecting mindset is our suffering.

What if we could practice allowing all the experiences to flow through us, move us, evolve us, mark us? What if Life could be seen as a grand adventure that sometimes I love and sometimes I hate but all times I allow?

Take a few deep breaths right now and imagine how this change in perspective would impact you.

This shift of consciousness has changed my way of living and perceiving all of life. I would not say life is easier for me now. But I would definitely say I am enjoying Life, collaborating with Life, and flowing through the experiences of my real Life with a deep peace and embodied joy, even if I am sobbing on the floor in the fetal position every now and then from the ravages of my present moment experience. I AM ALIVE!


“Are you breathing just a little and calling it a life?” -Mary Oliver-


This is part of the guidance I provide in the 9 month Womb Wisdom Initiation and True Self Initiation containers. End your Suffering, Embrace your Life.

If this isn’t calling you, or you don’t know how to begin to embrace your real life, the first steps are to slow down and learn how to create a present moment sense of embodied safety. It’s important to allow yourself to feel safe enough and empowered enough to hold yourself as you experience your real life, to feel the emotions and sensations and experiences you keep running away from or trying to change. Because of a history of trauma and abuse, I needed practitioners and therapists to hold me while I was learning to hold myself. I am forever grateful to the team of people who loved, held and taught me to hold myself through those years of individuation and learning to find a safe place inside my Self.

If you need support in this part of the journey, my Balanced Living sessions are where I help clients with embodiment and empowerment. I work with people learning to feel safe enough in the present moment to actually start feeling the things they have refused to feel or been trained not to feel or that the brilliance of your psyche and body protected you from fully feeling in traumatic experiences that were stored until you were safe enough to move it through your body and being.

Am I safe enough to slow down? Is it safe for me to feel anger? Fear? Grief? Terror? Joy? Peace? Connection? If this is where you need support, contact me through my Balanced Living website.

If you’re ready to practice making the shift in consciousness connected to ending your suffering and allowing yourself to live your Real Life, contact me HERE.

If you aren’t interested in working with me as your guide, just start the contemplation and practice of redefining suffering and noticing the clinging and rejecting of your experiences, sensations, emotions, present moment. Or start playing with the idea of noticing if you are safe enough right now to slow down and feel the sensations, emotions, or experiences of the present moment.

Happy experimenting with Life!

Held in Love,

emie kay

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