Do you consider yourself a seeker?
If you are among those who have adopted that title, take a minute to locate yourself on that quest. What are you seeking? Are you able to enjoy the abundance you already possess? Are you able to find rest in Being rather than constantly seeking or doing?
What exactly are you seeking? Peace? Wholeness? Joy? Enlightenment? Purpose? Abundance? Partnership? Success? Health? When will you know you’ve attained the thing? Is there a point when the seeking ends? Are you ok with these answers? If yes, then feel free to continue your seeking with joy! If not, read on.
What if you could end your seeking and be a finder? This isn’t a very popular route. It’s much easier to constantly be striving to fix or change or acquire. It’s easier to sell. Better body. Better relationship. More money. Better parenting skills. Better, more, different. Are you interested in learning to love the moment you are in?
On my journey from being a seeker to becoming a finder, I was surprised at how much suffering came from my seeking. Always believing the thing I was after was somewhere out there, in the future, outside of myself and my current experience. I was chasing the carrot on the end of the stick. I rarely got what I thought I was seeking. And even when I did, it took me no time flat to move on to the next thing to change or acquire.
Suffering. Being in resistance to what is.
As I practice allowing myself to drop into the present moment, into my real life, into an embodied sense of Me surrendering to Life as it is, I find a deep joy of being alive even when my experiences feel like a shit show. My practices have given me the ability to BE HUMAN while holding the center of the Divine Essence of Life flowing in me, as me, through me. These practices allow me to experience the feelings, sensations, situations without pushing them away. I now recognize these experiences are the life I am here living. I am able to access deep joy even in the pain or struggle or grief or joy or peace or abundance or lack. I’m not trying to push away the experiences anymore because I know that I have the ability to feel through, move through, be with what is. This is the joy of receiving my real Life.
In the Womb Wisdom Initiation, I hold a potent 9 month container for you to slow down and meet your real, present moment Life. This is space to end the seeking and find the joy of living YOUR life as it is right now. This container is a place to feel the resistance you have to being with what is in your body, your experience, your sensation, your emotion, your circumstances. Meeting this resistance in safe space, allowing it to be there and then practicing softening into what is, living into it and through it is a recipe for peace, joy, and flow in the Now. But it is a practice.
In the Womb Wisdom container, I will give you many practices. But these practices are simply experiments to help you shift your consciousness from small self, seeking, striving and self protection to rest, ease, flow, and Being. It’s a practice to help you learn to live your true life, find your truest Fuck Yes and Fuck No and live in greater flow with Life Force moving in, around and through you.
The Womb Wisdom Initiation is for those who have done a lot of seeking and still feel something missing. You’ve done a lot on your healing path, your spiritual path, your embodiment path. This container will give you one step: drop down and into your Truest Soulful Self, learning to live in alignment and flow.
If you’re interested, contact me. I’ll be delighted to chat with you.
In Flow,
A great book resource for these concepts is Jeff Foster’s book, The Way of Rest: Finding the Courage to Hold Everything In Love.
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