What is your relationship to these experiences?
What arises within you as you sit with the word and notice sensation, emotion, thought?
How long can you allow your awareness to be with silence?
With stillness?
With Darkness?
With Cold?
Can you find a still point inside your body?
I like to locate this still point in the center of my womb . . . or low belly, the place inside me that knows the stillness of the Cosmic Womb and the Earth Womb. . . the void. Even in the still point, I feel it as dynamic stillness. The pulse of Life all around, maybe even emanating from this dynamic still point within.
As we move into winter in the northern hemisphere, I am contemplating the dark, the cold, the stillness, the silence.
Last weekend, my 17 year old who just finished their first semester of ASL, invited me to watch a movie that features an ASL community and a man who struggles with his condition.
The movie powerfully wove the stories of resistance, silence, stillness, being, the questions of life and purpose and productivity vs being. I resonated with the main character more than I wanted to. His rage, his struggle, his need to fix and change “what was” to get to some different place and feel better. That is the story of my life.
Reuben’s journey of coming home, allowing what is, and being in the stillness is a story that is staying with me through these days of contemplating the invitation of winter solstice to be in the silence, the stillness, the dark, to sit with the questions and simply Be. This movie put a heavy finger on my habit of wanting to fix myself instead of simply allowing myself to Be.
Life is always inviting us Home, to the Kingdom of Heaven Within, to the still point in the center of our being where all of Life can emanate from that resting place. Following the map of the cycles of seasons, moon cycles, night/day cycles, inhale/exhale cycles, astrological cycles can support you in finding the courage to be with the slowness, the dark, the stillness.
If you know you are ready for that journey but you need a guide, please contact me and we can chat about how my 9 month Womb Wisdom or True Self Initiation may provide support and a safe space for you on your journey of coming Home to find the still point in the center.
May you find the dark of winter a gentle space to Be.
into the dark,
emie kay
“Be patient toward all that is unsolved in your heart and try to love the questions themselves, like locked rooms and like books that are now written in a very foreign tongue. Do not now seek the answers, which cannot be given you because you would not be able to live them. And the point is, to live everything. Live the questions now. Perhaps you will then gradually, without noticing it, live along some distant day into the answer.” —Rilke—
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