Filed in Embodiment, Empowerment, Sensuality/Sexuality, Spirituality — September 23, 2024

Empowerment: Building Relationship to the Elements

I am passionate about giving universal truths that can enhance every area of your life rather than specific to do lists that will get you to a specific place. Living our fullest life isn’t about getting to certain goals or meeting certain standards. Life keeps moving. Even if you work with me and reach one goal, you’ll immediately reach for the next. That’s how life works. The striving never ends if you think that reaching those goals will be your happiness or wholeness. The pithy quote, “it’s about the journey, not the destination” has merit.

Can I never enjoy life then? YES, YOU CAN.

Simply practice slowing down, dropping into the present moment and living what is happening right now. This practice can bring you a fullness of peace and joy that surpasses the circumstances at hand. Once you are in a place of surrendering to what is and living it more fully, then you can look at desire or longing and see it as a game within the container of your life. Do you want to play the game of entrepreneurship? Do you want to play the game of having more? Do you want to play the game of having less? Do you want to play the game of expanding your sexual experiences and ability to hold pleasure? Do you want to play the game of having a partner or being single? Then try to play it. But you don’t NEED it to be whole or fulfilled.

There isn’t a one size fits all approach to life. There are 8.6 BILLION people on the planet. No one holds all the keys to all the paths. My devotion to the religion of my childhood began unraveling when I started reading numerous commentaries from within my religion on the same passages within Scripture. WTF?! I can pull 20 commentaries off the shelf and get 20 different interpretations? Yet I was taught that any interpretation that I gleaned from my own study or experience or intuition or spiritual connection was not to be trusted?

Ummmm. No thank you. I would like to think for myself, thank you very much. I would like to have an embodied sense of moving in a direction that feels aligned with my Soul. And that was the beginning of the end of my obedience to my religion.

I am a strong willed woman who has always had a deep inner knowing of where I wanted to move next. But from the time I was born, I was being taught to never trust my inner wisdom. In other words, I was trained to self abandon. As a woman, there was always a parent, father, man in authority (occasionally a woman in authority), or God who knew better than I how to live my life.

To be completely transparent, I would rather fuck up in the eyes of the world a thousand times than follow someone else’s idea of what MY life should look like. NO ONE has lived one single second inside of my body or story. How the fuck do you think you can know what is best for me in my healing or evolution. You can’t. And no one can know what is best for you either. Even if you desperately want them to. So if that doesn’t strike a chord of resonance in you, then maybe I’m not a good fit as a guide for you. I will ALWAYS support your choices as you navigate your way through life learning to follow your deeper soul truth. And it will be messy. And many may think you are making huge mistakes, or even going to hell. I will applaud you as you keep dropping into your embodied sense of Fuck Yes and Fuck No on your path to a more embodied, confident soulful self expression.

Do you trust yourself? Can you trust the decisions you make? Are you constantly looking for outside approval for the choices you are making? Maybe you don’t even want this. No problem. I’m not saying that if you want someone else to keep giving you permission to live life in a certain way that you are wrong. Billions of people prefer it.

But if you are someone waiting for permission to learn to follow a deep inner truth rather than the external voices of authority figures or internalized voices of those same authority figures, I’m here to tell you that it’s possible to be Sovereign unto yourself in a way that is for the highest good of all, not just a hedonistic, narcissistic, destructive path.

Learning to feel held by the elements has been an incredibly supportive part of this individuation process for me. Earth is holding me, Breath is breathing me, Water is flowing in me, Sun/Fire is energizing me, Cosmos is evolving me.

I am made of Earth. I am made of Breath. I am made of Water. I am made of Fire/Sun Energy. I am made of the Stars. The particles of the elements that make up ME are supported in a tangible and embodied way by the Elements themselves.

Make this a simple, playful practice.

Pick one of the elements and focus on it for a week or a month. Notice your relationship to it. Playfully expand your relationship to it. Explore your relationship to it. Allow the element to have a consciousness of its own and interact with it as such. See its aliveness, its vitality, its spirit. Spend time with the element in silence or stillness. Feel into how that element supports you every single day.

You don’t need more guidelines or questions or teachers. Let the elements themselves be your teachers. Bow to them and build intimacy with each element.

This simple practice will enhance your sexuality, your sovereignty, your embodiment, your spirituality. Every area of your life will benefit from building a more intimate relationship to the elements.

As you grow in your relationship to the Elements, you will grow in relationship to your Soulful Self. Your deeper embodied knowing will begin to emerge. If you would like a guide in this process, I would be honored to hold sacred space for you.

Enjoy the journey!

In devotion to my Sovereignty, your Sovereignty and the Elements,

emie kay

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